This site has been set up to assist the public to make informed decisions about vaccination. Governments globally are recommending the use of multiple vaccines in infants to prevent infectious diseases yet the long-term health effects of the combined schedule of vaccines has never been tested for safety. Further, evidence has surfaced that shows the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the body that is responsible for protecting public health, was involved in covering up data that showed a causal link between vaccines and autism. This cover-up by CDC researchers has been revealed in the movie “VaxXed: from Cover-up to Catastrophe” that is now showing in Australia. For information about public viewings of VaxXed please click here and for a review of the documentary by Real News Australia click here – VaxXed Screenings Unchallenged Around Australia. I have also provided a review of the film by a general practitioner, VaxXed Stories: Patricia Ryan in Nebraska. [Read more…]
Australian Government Immunisation Policy
Australia’s National Immunisation Policy is not designed by the Australian government in response to Australian public health needs. Australia’s immunisation policy is based on recommendations provided by public-private partnerships within the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI). This is an alliance that includes pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation etc. All partners have equal input into the recommendations for national vaccination programs. GAVI provides advice to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the recommended vaccines are then presented to the 193 WHO member countries.
Here is information about Australia’s National Immunisation Program (NIP) and the lack of evidence for its implementation. Over the last two decades parents have become increasingly concerned about the science supporting government immunisation policies as the chronic illness in Australian children has increased 5-fold. Over this time the recommended schedule of vaccines for children has expanded from 7 diseases in the late 1980’s to 16 plus diseases in 2014. This has led many parents and professionals to investigate the science of vaccines and to set up websites presenting information about the risks of this medical intervention to the public. Links to these websites can be accessed on the Pro-Choice In Vaccination page of this website. [Read more…]
Do you know what’s in a vaccine?
Our quality of life is dependent upon our health. In a world where we are increasingly exposed to toxins and where our experts are increasingly depending upon industry funding, it is important to know that the information you are receiving is balanced, non-biased and evidence-based. The ingredients of vaccines are not listed on the Immunise Australia Program (IAP) website where they can be easily found. They are found in the Appendix 3 of the Australian Immunisation Handbook (10th Ed). I have also provided a link to the ingredients listed on the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website and the World Association for Vaccine Education website. [Read more…]
Proin mollis nunc ac ante adipiscing iaculis. Morbi ac dapibus nisi. Etiam congue magna eu nibh imperdiet varius. Ut iaculis congue ligula id bibendum. Maecenas a tristique urna.
Nullam congue rhoncus nulla a suscipit. Sed egestas pretium orci, et tincidunt orci imperdiet at. Donec tempor sem sit amet lorem adipiscing feugiat. Duis vulputate justo at mauris imperdiet placerat. Maecenas eget tortor nec nunc pulvinar viverra. Suspendisse nisl est, imperdiet a tincidunt nec, vehicula pharetra diam.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse placerat metus eget justo commodo pellentesque. Duis vehicula nisi id risus iaculis fringilla. Vestibulum ac justo est. Sed nulla ipsum, consectetur in convallis id, hendrerit vel nibh. Sed aliquet tincidunt justo. Quisque vitae diam tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse placerat metus eget justo commodo pellentesque. Duis vehicula nisi id risus iaculis fringilla. Vestibulum ac justo est. Sed nulla ipsum, consectetur in convallis id, hendrerit vel nibh. Sed aliquet tincidunt justo. Quisque vitae diam tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse placerat metus eget justo commodo pellentesque. Duis vehicula nisi id risus iaculis fringilla. Vestibulum ac justo est. Sed nulla ipsum, consectetur in convallis id, hendrerit vel nibh. Sed aliquet tincidunt justo. Quisque vitae diam tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse placerat metus eget justo commodo pellentesque. Duis vehicula nisi id risus iaculis fringilla. Vestibulum ac justo est. Sed nulla ipsum, consectetur in convallis id, hendrerit vel nibh. Sed aliquet tincidunt justo. Quisque vitae diam tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse placerat metus eget justo commodo pellentesque. Duis vehicula nisi id risus iaculis fringilla. Vestibulum ac justo est. Sed nulla ipsum, consectetur in convallis id, hendrerit vel nibh. Sed aliquet tincidunt justo. Quisque vitae diam tellus.